Looking for a job can become a tiring process, and one of the most frustrating events in a person’s life. The longer it takes to find a job, the more pressure we are exposed to, and the wider our negative loop becomes. Luckily we don’t necessarily have to enter a negative loop if we try to think differently and abandon the traditional job search mindset. Below are some observations that I have learned from my clients, both on the employers and candidates side, that will help you steer away from the conventional job hunt process.
Do What you Love: There is no point of looking for a job merely for the sake of having a job; people who do this mistake end up miserable, waking up every day to the same routine. When looking for your next job try to find out what is your mission in life, what makes you happy, what fulfills your mind, soul and spirit.
Become an expert in your field: All it takes is some dedication to your subject and a bit of extra work and you can become an expert. Employers want to hire people that will bring value to their organizations. Start by getting top books on your subject area (lists found on amazon.com), research it on the internet, and start blogging and tweeting about it, in no time you will become a thought after person in that area.
Find a mentor: Why to reinvent the wheel. A lot of people in key positions, struggled like you to find a job, and struggled again to reach the positions they reached today. Find a mentor who will help you with the shortcuts and ease up the path to your next vision. Make sure you share the same values with your mentor and build a long term relationship with that person even after you get the job.
Use a different approach: Can you imagine how many resumes employers get each day? If your resume is just like the rest, chances that you will be called for an interview are very low. Something different, that stands out will increase your chances dramatically. Just the other day I have received an email with a resume that stood out from what I usually get, and although there wasn’t an opening for a position that the candidate was looking for, I have decided to interview them and made an offer. What I have envisioned as an employer was an added value, just by seeing something different.
Leverage the power of networking: If your potential employer is not coming after you, it is time for you to go after them; in sales, networking is the process of being in the right place in the right time. Yes you can control that by attending events, conferences, iftars or just investigate where your potential employer hangs out and try to have lunch in the same place. With the help of visualization and a strong determination you will find the courage to introduce yourself at the right moment. You will be amazed how powerful this technique is. Another networking tool is to ask people around you about their connections; there is always someone you know, who would be happy to give you referrals that will get you where you want to get.
Remember “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”
The author, Camil El Khoury is the Chief Vision Officer of Ideas Group, an organisation that helps clients improve their performance using experiential learning techniques. www.ideagrp.com
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