Signs of relief started to show, and some economies are starting to pick up.
The most optimistic markets, in the experts’ opinion, are the markets of the Middle East region. Some cities in that region didn’t stop or even slow down in expenditures; take for example Abu Dhabi and Qatar not to mention Lebanon who witnessed a boom because of the recent political stability and a healthy banking system.
As we write this blog, most of the Arab world will be fasting for the month of Ramadan, a month known for being quiet when it comes to business.
This year Ramadan ends in mid September and this is when the action will start picking up. The question that asks itself: Are we ready for a sudden boom of business?
As head of companies or business units, our most important order of the day will be creating and aligning a strategy that will get us where we should be placed in the market. This strategy, depending on our focus and vision, will need to place us ahead of our competition, on the top of our clients' requests and/or in the league of innovative companies.
The below 7 question check list can be used to see if we are on the right track to benefit from the coming economical growth
- Do we have a clear Vision of where we want to be?
- Do we really know where are we Placed right now?
- Do we know what our 3 Critical Success Factors are?
- Did we create multiple Scenarios about external and internal driving factors?
- Do we constantly Involve our talents (employees) in the strategy formulation?
- Do we follow strict execution KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?
- Do we constantly ask ourselves how can our product/service bring Value?
Once we have an answer to those 7 questions we will be ready to receive any change and make of it an opportunity.
To find out how we can help you turn change into opportunities and optimize your Human Capital Performance, visit us on www.ideasgrp.com or drop us a line on info@ideasgrp.com
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